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CLUSTER ( Azoxystobin 11 % & Tebuconazole 18.3 % w/w SC) is a world class fungicide containing Azoxystobin 11 % & Tebuconazole 18.3 % w/w SC . It inhibits respiration and ergosterol synthesis of the fungus. Cluster is a powerful combination of Triazole and Strobilurin chemestries & it exhibits systemic and Translaminar movement and disperse rapidly in plant system. It kills fungal cells through inhibition of cell membrane biosynthesis and cellular respiration. It is a broad spectrum control of diseases, a single solution for a numbers of diseases having multifunctional action & can be used as protective, curative & eradicative. It is quickly absorbed by plants 7 rapidly enters in plant system & start working.

Dosage :

  • 240-300ml/acre.

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