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Florazen is a unique flowering and fruiting formula for all types of crops. It is a unique Bio stimulant produced by mixing vegetable organic ingredients blended in special process under control conditions to give the plant maximum nourishment for high flowers & fruit setting.

Benefits :

  • Improves total flower biochemistry for better & assured flowers for more fruits.
  • Improves fruit set and reduces the fruit drop in adverse conditions thereby reduces the loss of the crop.
  • Improves the size, color, and the taste of the fruits and vegetables.
  • Improves the photosynthesis at the time of flowering stage of the crops.
  • Increases the crop yield to significant extent both by quality & quantity.

  • Dosage :

  • 2-2.5ml per liter of water as a foliar spray.

  • Crops :

    Chilly, Tomato, peas, flowers and all orchard crops.

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